8-10 Mansfield St, Thornbury 3071.

Sue Mackey

Sue is a psychotherapist and counsellor, gestalt therapist and accredited mental health social worker. She began work as a social worker in 1988, then moved into Private Practice in 2002.

Sue’s path into interpersonal therapy has been one of weaving many years of skills, training and experience in to creating a safe, non-judgmental, experienced space to share this with those seeking help, support and growth. Sue brings a warm, compassionate, present centred and relational style. Therapy can be an inherently challenging process, which must be met with safety and support.

As you work with Sue, you will develop a deeper connection with your self, discovering parts that you relate to more closely and can deepen your relationship with. This in turn means there is more of you present to make empowered choices with yourself and in relationship to others. In this process awareness to somatic and relational patterns and core themes is supported for change to emerge in the now, alongside hope for the future.

Sue has particular interest, experience and training in holding people as they work through grief and loss, trauma, periods of internal and external transitions, anxiety and depression.

Outside of the therapy space Sue has a rich spiritual life, using multi faith meditation and yoga practices, 12 step principles and service. She is also resourced by creative pursuits, connection with nature and the beach and a good book.

Fees available on enquiry

Medicare rebate applicable with a GP referral

Sue Mackey

Services / Modalities

Practitioner Psychotherapist Counsellor Gestalt therapist Mental health social worker

Find a therapist to work with ...

Finding the right therapist can sometimes be challenging. Our mission at Melbourne Integrated Therapies is to offer you a personal referral to one of our skilled and experienced therapists. Our therapists work from a wide range of lenses so that we can cater to your specific needs. Whether you are interested in working within more traditional frameworks like counselling, psychology and cognitive frameworks or from a more somatic, experiential lens we have a number of therapists that can help you. Dana works across our intake and referral system's is able to help you to make the decision of who to start therapy with.