8-10 Mansfield St, Thornbury 3071.

Lars Richter

Lars is a Certified Transpersonal Counsellor, Compassionate Inquiry therapist and Yoga teacher with 20+ years of international experience of working with individuals and groups. From starting his Yoga Centre in Germany to his current work as a Traditional Long Bow Craft and Archery teacher around the globe, he follows his interest in somatic psychology and holistic health. His expertise is in somatic approaches to working with trauma, our small individual traumas and the big cultural ones.

Lars currently offers online and in-person counselling/Compassionate Inquiry sessions in Thornbury for both individuals and couples.

In his free time, you will find him hiking in nature, practising yoga and archery or hanging out with his partner and his two teenage young men.

His approach focuses on guidance to integrate challenges through deeper personal growth.

Transpersonal Counselling influenced by Life Coaching:

Lars first studied Transpersonal Counselling while raising 2 boys and building a holistic community business. He continued his path of study with his Coaching certification, Compassionate Inquiry training, Mens work programs and exploring many somatic approaches. This unique approach to counselling helps people understand where their challenges are arising from and how to work with them. Lars uniquely combines counselling and coaching to help his clients integrate their problems, and feel suppressed emotion but also create a path of action to create the lives they want. His clients often report feeling a sense of clarity and direction.

Yoga and similar movement practise:

Lars has 20 plus years of experience working with clients in the field of Yoga and Qi-Gong. He offers private tuition helping to deepen your sensing and feeling capacity for inhabiting a healthy body. This builds strength and flexibility but furthermore connects to deeper layers of experiencing your being.

Men’s counselling/coaching:

Lars also works with men beyond his general counselling, helping with topics such as a balanced mind-body connection, understanding their relational challenges and developing an inner standing of themselves. It is time for a culture shift, because at the depth of what this culture instills in men lies self-doubt, numbness, insecurity, and deep shame.

Walking lighter on Earth:

Lars has been driven by curiosity and a desire to explore life with a sense of inner standing and joy in wholesome ways.
He intentionally works outside the medical model. Let's cultivate presence and responsibility in daily life. Wholesome relationships unfold on multiple levels - go within so you don't go without. Get in touch if you need help with your wholesome living questions. There are many layers: the space you are living in, your body, mind, your energy levels, your emotions, your soul.

Lars Richter

Services / Modalities

Practitioner Transpersonal Counsellor Counselling Yoga Instructor Workshop Facilitator Results Coach Compassionate Inquiry

Find a therapist to work with ...

Finding the right therapist can sometimes be challenging. Our mission at Melbourne Integrated Therapies is to offer you a personal referral to one of our skilled and experienced therapists. Our therapists work from a wide range of lenses so that we can cater to your specific needs. Whether you are interested in working within more traditional frameworks like counselling, psychology and cognitive frameworks or from a more somatic, experiential lens we have a number of therapists that can help you. Dana works across our intake and referral system's is able to help you to make the decision of who to start therapy with.