8-10 Mansfield St, Thornbury 3071.

Linda Ruff

Linda is a registered counsellor who works with a variety of humanistic and transpersonal modalities. Her practice is client-centred, open, curious and compassionate, incorporating mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy, attachment theory, somatics and narrative therapy.

Linda loves to work with stories, the archetypal and cultural stories that we are woven into when we are born, our familial stories and the emergent story that we weave for ourselves. At times of challenge and transition we often stand back to notice the patterns in the weave. Maybe some of the threads have become tangled, maybe the tension needs adjusting, maybe some of your edges are fraying. She creates a supportive space to hear your story and works with you to craft the next chapter.

Linda works primarily with women in individual counselling and also facilitates local women's community circles and national workshops around menopause and elderhood. She has also trained as an end of life doula, assisting with end of life planning and supporting clients experiencing grief and loss.

Linda Ruff

Services / Modalities

Practitioner Death Doula Counsellor Counselling

Find a therapist to work with ...

Finding the right therapist can sometimes be challenging. Our mission at Melbourne Integrated Therapies is to offer you a personal referral to one of our skilled and experienced therapists. Our therapists work from a wide range of lenses so that we can cater to your specific needs. Whether you are interested in working within more traditional frameworks like counselling, psychology and cognitive frameworks or from a more somatic, experiential lens we have a number of therapists that can help you. Dana works across our intake and referral system's is able to help you to make the decision of who to start therapy with.